INSPIRE at the MICRO2024 conference

INSPIRE team shares insights into technology-based solutions and plastic transport models for EU rivers at MICRO 2024 international conference in Lanzarote, Spain (23-27 September).

INSPIRE partners participated at the MICRO 2024 International Conference – Plastic pollution from macro to nano, held in Arrecife, Lanzarote (Spain), from 23rd to 27th of September. This was the 5th edition of the international conference, one of the biggest events dedicated to communicating and discussing the latest developments in the plastic pollution research. The INSPIRE team was represented by Ana Isabel Catarino, Lisa Devriese, and Mariana Miranda (VLIZ), Miranda Stibora (WUR), Vanessa Moschino, Fantina Madricardo and Tihana Marceta (CNR).

The first INSPIRE oral communication entitled “The INSPIRE approach to assess the plastic removal efficiency of technology-based solutions for rivers” took place on Wednesday, during the morning session. With this talk, Mariana Miranda presented the ongoing work on the assessment of the plastic removal efficiency of the INSPIRE solutions and the challenges faced due to the current lack of standardization. Valuable lessons and insights were shared, as well as the INSPIRE approach and the perspectives and opportunities for the upcoming months and testing activities. Before this talk, the keynote (evening plenary on Tuesday) of Richard Thompson from the Plymouth University (UK) highlighted the fact that research on interventions and collection technologies is one of the litter research topics with the most unknows and less scientific evidence, and that there was still a very limited number of talks during MICRO 2024 on this topic.

“It was rewarding to discuss after this MICRO 2024 talk with all those interested in our work, opening the door to create synergies between INSPIRE and other projects. Sharing our work and receiving feedback are necessary actions to achieve a consensual standard methodology, that will enable us to evaluate globally the plastic removal technologies under the same criteria.” (Mariana Miranda)

A second communication, entitled “Revising global plastic transport models” was presented by Miranda Stibora. Here, Miranda shared the set-up of the large-scale plastic transport and accumulation model which will be used in the INSPIRE project to map hotspots for plastic pollution in rivers on a large scale. This talk was given in the form of a “walking talk”, a new concept designed by the MICRO conference committee. During this type of talk, the conference participants were organized into 30 groups (each with around 25 members) to present their work outside of the venue in original ways, while exploring Arrecife. In her group, she and the other conference participants were able to critically discuss the model set-up and verify the sources of plastic waste (micro and macro). 

“I had a great time presenting in a walking talk format. It led to a lively and extended discussion where participants not only had the chance to ask me questions, but I was also able to engage with them and draw on their expertise by asking questions of my own.” (Miranda Stibora)

The new concept “walking talks” were also used to discuss specific topics such as the main origins of plastic pollution, criteria for effective policy, and to reflect on our hopes, expectations and responsibilities as a research community. During these discussions, it emerged that getting the bigger picture and focusing on solutions (as in INSPIRE) is essential. The insights of the 30 groups were presented by the scientific committee during the final plenary, in the context of the current efforts to achieve a Global Plastics Treaty led by the United Nations.

You can find more about MICRO 2024, including the communications abstracts, at the conference website.

Names: Mariana Miranda and Miranda Stibora

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