General Description
An innovative floating boom (floating barrier – CLEAN TRASH system) developed in the CLAIM project that retains, collects, and monitors floating litter (that include macroplastics), specifically devised to operate in river mouths and waterways, reached a TRL 9.
The CLEAN TRASH hot-dipped galvanized steel collection cage utilizes three separate collection chambers/levels that lower and raise to store the floating litter (down to 5 mm in size). The cage is equipped with lifting points and a sliding door. This collection cage will be further improved with a system that will detect, classify and quantify the debris and litter from rivers.
The CLEAN (CLAIM’s Litter Entrapping Autonomous Network) TRASH (Tactical Recovery Accumulation System Hellas) collection cage will be combined with the River Cleaning spinning motion buoying modules in a hybridised technology solution.
In addition, AIT with the aid of AIT, algorithms and Support Vector Machines, will be tested for their robustness and efficiency with respect to segmentation and classification capabilities, using various well-known metrics of accuracy.
INSPIRE partners responsible for implementation:

AIT-GIC, Asian Institute of Technology (Geoinformatics Center)

- Goal: Collection
- Target Litter: Size range: macrolitter > 5 mm. Compartment targeted: water surface/water column
- INSPIRE Use Cases: Po
- Contact: George Triantaphyllidis
- Email:
- Contact: Kittiphon Boonma
- Email:
- Website: